‘This is not clutching at youth. I am comfortable with me – but I will be more comfortable when I have had the work done’, says Tina.
Tina Malone‘s statement – ‘People say I look amazing for 51, and I love being 51. I feel 31. In my head, I’m 21.
There are more and more individuals like Tina, who visit our clinic, at Derby Skin Laser & Cosmetic Clinic. Who want to be more comfortable with themselves if there is anything out there to aid them to achieve their goals?
Tina Malone is only 51, and we can say proudly that our most lively client is turning 90 years of age this year! She is the person who wants to look her best all the time and is a regular client of ours,for Botox injections and fillers. To boost her confidence further, she tells us proudly that she grows all her vegetables herself!
At the age of 51 Tina Malone shows no signs of settling down into her older age.
Last year, at the age of 50, the Shameless actress//,Tina gave birth to her second child and now she has revealed plans to change her life further by spending £50,000 on cosmetic surgery. The Liverpudlian actress says she has never been a looker despite having been born into an attractive family.
Tina is embarking on six months worth of procedures in just a few weeks time.
She plans to have her eyes, chin, neck, breasts, under arms and belly nipped and tucked.
For more information- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2776056/People-say-fat-happy-aren-t-Tina-Malone-reveals-post-baby-body-says-plans-spend-50-000-plastic-surgery.html
Contact the clinic on 01332 297397 for a free consultation, for eye cosmetic surgery and skin tightening treatments.
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