Rosacea – Is it treatable? And how?


Rosacea is a long-term, chronic skin condition that tends to start with flushing – temporary redness that typically occurs across the nose and cheeks, but that can also spread to the forehead, chin and down to the neck and chest. Persistent redness may follow, where skin appears red and blotchy. If rosacea persists, tiny blood vessels may dilate underneath the surface of the skin and some sufferers may also experience papules, small red bumps, and pustules. Skin can also harden and thicken around the nose and the eyes may also become irritated.

The causes of rosacea are still relatively unknown. It’s generally thought to occur due to a combination of factors, including blood vessel abnormalities, certain bacteria present on the surface of skin, chemicals, medicines and various triggers, such as stress, exercise and alcohol.


Some rosacea sufferers can minimize symptoms by avoiding known triggers. Some topical treatments can reduce redness and flushing, while oral medications are often prescribed for the inflammatory symptoms of rosacea, such as thickened skin, papules and pustules. Some sufferers also use makeup to camouflage redness and blushing. Unfortunately, there is no known cure, although there are plenty of treatments that can improve symptoms.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Therapy

IPL can treat a wide range of skin conditions, including rosacea, age spots, discolouration and pigmentation. The laser produces a narrow beam of light, and the heat from this light damages the capillaries – the tiny blood vessels underneath the surface of skin that can cause redness – and over time, they shrink and are re-absorbed back into the body. With repeated treatments, symptoms can almost disappear.

IPL treatment has a vast range of benefits. Not only can it reduce symptoms, but it does so with minimal damage to the surrounding tissues. The particular band of light that the IPL uses specifically targets the red colour of the capillaries, which means that they can shrink and be destroyed without any further damage to the surrounding skin. There’s also evidence to suggest that repeated IPL treatments could remodel the skin, which helps to support it, making it stronger, healthier and more resistant to rosacea in the future as blood vessels are better supported and are therefore less likely to be visible underneath the skin’s surface.

Laser treatment also has few side effects when compared with traditional oral and topical medications. Patients may experience some minimal bruising and swelling, but this tends to subside within a few hours.

For more information about IPL treatment and to learn more about how it could minimize rosacea symptoms and improve skin tone and texture, visit the Derby Skin Laser Clinic today or give us a call on 01332 297397.

Question: Do you notice some redness marks on your face? Know the disease now!!! Please leave your comments below.


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