Looking for a safe way to reduce cellulite, reshape the body and tighten your skin? Look no further!


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Derby Skin Laser & Cosmetic clinic

Dear client

Here is some news for you that you should be aware of,

Non-Surgical Lipolysis banned in France.

According to an article in French Magazine Anti-Age, the French High Authority of Health (HAS) has recently prohibited the use of a variety of different lipolysis cosmetic procedures.

The online magazine states that:

“The implementation of the techniques referred to as lipolytic non invasive, using external physical agents, without breaking the skin (focused ultrasound, laser, etc..) has a suspicion of serious danger to human health.”

Alex Alvarez, Chief Executive Officer of Carboxytherapy manufacturer RioBlush comments:

“The French have banned ultrasound, lasers, mesotherapy and carboxytherapy for fat reduction. This step was taken in reaction to the fact that beauty therapists were using the cheap and easy to acquire carboxytherapy/mesotherapy gun to inject dangerous or outlawed compounds like Lipostabil in combination with CO2 gas to reduce fat.”

The above procedures have been on the market for some time. But none of the above is free of serious side effects. So no wonder they are being banned. I am glad that finally they are being kept under check.

What is the answer – The gold standard technology emerging after the laser is radiofrequency (RF) treatments.

More and more people are looking for a hassle free treatment!

We offer just that – the radio-frequency treatment. The indication for use of professional radiofrequency systems are: skin tightening, skin rejuvenation, circumference reduction, cellulite reduction, body skin tightening and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

In the last 10 years various non-invasive and non surgical treatments modalities have been developed for aging skin and body contouring. Radio frequency treatment is provided for- Skin tightening, Jowls shaping, Upper arms skin tightening, Stretch marks improvement, Body shaping, Cellulite improvement and Acne scars improvement.

Radio-frequency is a safe treatment as opposed to the above banned methods.

It works on deeper tissues as well as within the skin layers. The above treatment can be performed within an hour. You do not need any time off; there are no cuts or wounds, nor any discomfort or disfigurement sitting on the area of treatment.


You get the treatment done and get going with your routine. This works better on well hydrated skin.

The only disadvantage of this treatment is that this takes time to show you visible results.

This treatment requires more than one treatment session to achieve best results.

Book your appointment with one of our doctors for a consultation on 01332 297397

For more details and other services please visit our web site: www.derbyskinlaserclinic.co.uk

Dr. S Rani

(Clinic Manager)


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