Join us for all round Versatile Rejuvenation and empower yourself from within!
We here at Derby Skin Laser & Cosmetic Clinic believe your unique/individual skin deserves a specific treatment plan tailored for you as an individual, for your anatomic needs.
The aim of versatile skin rejuvenation is to improve signs of ageing as a preventative measure for delaying signs of ageing, also to minimise common blemishes, improve texture. It helps in minimising discomfort and downtime for recovery too.
The best time to start the treatment is during colder days to avoid sun as much as possible. Skin laser resurfacing is the buzz word all around, to achieve younger looking skin with improved texture and colour. In addition to this treatment also improves deep lines and saggy look/ laxity of the facial skin.
The above versatility advantages do not end there. This can be combined with other treatments as cosmetic Botox injections, thread vein improvement/ leg veins removal, laser tattoo removal, IPL/Laser hair removal to eye cosmetic hoods and eye cosmetic bags removal.
Also join us in V Day 1 Billion Rising Revolution world over!
We at the clinic support the above V Day revolution.
When we combine the two improved appearance and improved self- worth, we become better in facing the world and life’s challenges.
We believe in empowering yourself in appearance as well as empowering you from within. Inside empowering comes from gaining looks, confidence, well- being, self-worth, dignity, self-esteem and sharing with others with the aim of helping others.
To join click to the link as below-
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