Eye cosmetic surgery


Upper Eye Lid Hoods & Lower Eye Lid Bag Removal

Our eyelids are a very important aspect of facial attractiveness. One of the first signs of ageing is bagginess around the eyes. It is not, therefore, surprising that the commonest and the earliest surgical procedure sought to counter the effects of aging is eyelid surgery. The eye bags and hooded skin on the lids may combine to give us an aged, sleepy, un-youthful and a tired look. Heredity, prolonged stress, lack of sleep and a tendency for fluid collection in the eyelid tissues are other contributory factors apart from age in causing these changes. The eyebrows also sag as a part of the ageing process.

Cosmetic Surgery on Eyes

What can be done to improve your appearance?

If you would like something done to counter these changes, you may be a candidate for eye bag removal surgery-called blepharoplasty. The goal of blepharoplasty is to remove the stretched and baggy tissues, which may include skin, muscle and fat pockets around the eyelids. This results in tighter and toned up lids. The changes in appearance after blepharoplasty can be remarkable: patients look rejuvenated, younger and more alert.

Blepharoplasty is not effective for dark under-eye circles, crow’s feet wrinkles and droopy eyebrows, although the skin will appear smoother after blepharoplasty. One may have only upper, only lower or all the lids treated by blepharoplasty, depending on the extent of the problem. In case the eyebrows are droopy, a procedure to lift the eyebrows, a brow lift is performed.

What anaesthesia is used for blepharoplasty?

Local (you are awake) or general anaesthesia (you are asleep) can be used, with a day case or overnight admission depending on your specific requirements. The surgery is performed at the Burton Clinic or Derby Nuffield Hospital, both leading private hospitals in the area.

What happens at the preoperative consultation?

You have a detailed consultation with your surgeon a few weeks before surgery. He asks detailed medical history, any medications that you may take regularly, any allergies or eye conditions you may have. An eye examination is performed and a clinical photograph taken.
The surgeon discusses what you would like changed by surgery and your expectations for the outcome of the surgery. The goals and limitation of the surgery, the side effects and complications, in general, and as they apply to your specific operation are considered with you in detail. The surgeon explains the procedure, indicating the areas where the incisions will be made. As a part of the informed consent, the complications discussed with you include the relatively common ones as well as very rare and serious complications, as reported in the literature. Feel free to ask any question, seek clarification or ask for more information at any time. As with any surgical procedure you are given a consent form to read and sign.

What are the complications of blepharoplasty?

Every surgical procedure has some possible complications and blepharoplasty is no exception. Serious complications in the hands of an experienced and trained eye surgeon are very rare. A vast majority of patients is delighted with the results of blepharoplasty.

Complications after blepharoplasty may include:

Pain is unusual, though a feeling of heaviness may be felt for a few days. Swelling of the eyelids starts subsiding in a few days. A ‘black eye’ typically mild can rarely take 2-3 weeks to resolve. Blurred vision or double vision, due to ointment, tissue swelling or residual anaesthetic effect can be experienced for 1-2 days. Dry eye sensation or a watery eye can occur for a few days. Inability to close the eyes completely can occur due to postoperative eye reaction. This tends to settle in a few days. Asymmetric result and scar can rarely occur because of variable healing. Excess tissue tightening can result in a sunken looking eye or the lower eyelid margin slightly turning out (ectropion). Decreased eyelid skin sensation is typically temporary. Infections, painful eye due to raised pressure or loss of vision are extremely rare but have been reported in world literature.
The serious complications mentioned above are extremely rare and all precautions are taken to guard against any complications, minor or major. The complications mentioned above is a general description. Your surgeon will discuss these issues in detail with you.

Complications of brow lift:

The operative scar can be visible above the eyebrow if the eyebrow hair is scanty. Sensation over an area of the forehead can be altered.

What to expect after the surgery?

The eyelids may feel tight, tender, bruised and swollen for a few days. These changes typically disappear within 7-10 days. A painkiller usually eliminates the discomfort.
You should rest with your head elevated. An antibiotic ointment to the eyelid skin and lubricating eye drops are prescribed for 1 week. The fine sutures to close the incision are removed in 7-10 days. Most blepharoplasty patients return to work within 10 days, although rarely it can take as long as 3-4 weeks for a full recovery.
The results of the surgery may not be apparent for a few days because of the tissue swelling. The final result is achieved in 4-6 weeks when the tissue swelling has resolved and healing of the reoriented tissues has taken place. The incision scars continue to lighten for many months. Blepharoplasty recovery times vary among different individuals, taking up to weeks or months for the scarring to fade, although the swelling and bruising should fade considerably sooner.
Blepharoplasty can take years off patients’ faces making them look more rested, younger and friendlier.

Can people tell if one has had blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty incisions are made in the natural folds or lines of the eyelids, extending into laugh lines or existing creases (in the crease of the upper eyelid and just beneath the eyelashes in case of lower lids). In most cases, any scars from blepharoplasty will be inconspicuous after healing and easily concealed in the natural folds and creases. The incision for a brow lift is made just above the eyebrow or high in the forehead/scalp to aid concealment of the final incision scar.

Is repeat surgery possible?

Eyelid surgery lasts a long time. Many years later if the tissues stretch again due to ageing or lifestyle factors, repeat surgery is possible.
We have accredited NHS Eye Consultant Surgeons to advise you and perform the surgery. Our surgeons are on the specialist register of the General Medical Council.
The above is a brief general description of blepharoplasty. If you would like to know more about blepharoplasty and whether it is right for you, please feel free to make an appointment with the Derby Skin Laser and Cosmetic Clinic. WE HAVE ACCREDITED NHS EYE CONSULTANT SURGEONS TO ADVISE YOU AND PERFORM THE SURGERY. Our surgeons are on the specialist register of the General Medical Council

Take Action – Call for a consultation on 01332 297397

Prices- Please refer to the price list.

Blepharoplasty – Eye Hood and Eye Bag removal surgery

Treatment provided by a fully qualified surgeon, generally under local anaesthetic.