Take charge of your skin health


Acne Rosacea is a condition where by one suffers with spots, redness, flushing, itching and blushes easily.

Your face becomes red when you eat and drink certain types of spicy food. You think your skin is sensitive when any slight change in your skin care brings all the spots with redness and itchiness.

This is the time when you should seek help from a specialist. The treatment is variable depending on the stage of the condition, as it presents in many forms. Rosacea can present as a red face only, can be redness with acne, in a form of flushing and blushing only or at an advanced stage it can present with all of the above and thread veins.

Rosacea of all types can change the appearance of your skin.  A number of treatment options are available at the Derby Skin Laser & Cosmetic Clinic to keep your skin health as healthy as possible at all times. Treatments range from just home care to antibiotics, IPL, laser, skin peels, a combination or other. What is the best treatment of choice in your case needs to be decided by the doctor.   The fact about Rosacea is that more you ignore the worse it gets. Therefore seek out for early help.

Best is to book a consultation with one of our doctors to discuss and be fully informed of the treatment options by calling 01332 297397.


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