Wow effect on your face this party season!


The answer is to mould your face, with non-surgical combination treatments for a younger looking face.

Combination treatments Filler + Botox +Radio-frequency = A complete lift and a younger, smoother looking face.

When one has a tired looking face, it tells us that the skin is not smooth, lines and dimples are there and the skin is not as taught as it use to be. Scientifically there is a different causation for the above deficiencies. The causation is as a result of sun damage, ageing effect, life style and one’s genetic make up.

With the ageing process expression lines get deeper, skin gets thin and loose and under the skin soft tissue and bones slowly shrink. Surgeons at the clinic shape the soft tissue without surgery by looking for depressions to fill, and adding more volume than you can do cost effectively with filler alone.

Botox treats expression lines, fillers fill the deep lines and radio-frequency treatment tightens the skin. Non surgical treatment options avoid the need for surgery, as surgery is a big undertaking with various unpredictable risks involved.

The above treatments are safe with long track records and good results to our clients. Above treatments provide you good improvement with no time off or disfigurement. You put the make up on next day and get going with your routine.

Our surgeons at the clinic have been providing these treatments for the past 10 years and we have many happy and regular clients to our credit.

Maintenance is the key to youthful looks. Skin peels regularly is the way forward to maintain the healthy skin and beautiful looks.

Book your appointment with the surgeon on 01332 297397.


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